How can emotion influence behaviour.

How do emotions effect the accuracy of our perception?
How do we use emotion to update behaviours?

Emotion changes the way we experience the things around us. They can drive attention towards some features of our environment, while at the same time, pushing our focus away from others. How these effects manifests, however, is very context dependent. Someof these feature to influence how emotion changes perception and behaviour include:

1. The sensory modalities through which we are experiencing the world.
2. The timing of emotional information to other environmental cues.
3. Whether we are directly interacting with the emotional objects, or to something else entirely with the emotional information only a distraction to our primary goals.

Within the Integrated Emotion and Cognition lab we focus on how humans integrate multisensory information related to emotion and space. To date, this has used spatial perception and localization accuracy to assess cognition and behaviour respectively. We combine audiovisual arrays and tactile feedback to induce emotional response and modulate real-time processing and behaviour.

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Kryklywy, J.H., Manaligod, M.G.M. & Todd, R.M. (2021). Using emotional learning paradigms as to test outstanding questions about attentional guidance. Commentary on Luck et al., (2021). Progress towards resolving the attentional capture debate. Visual Cognition, 29 (1), 1-21.

Kryklywy, J.H., Dudarev, V. & Todd, R.M. (2021). Sense and timing: Localizing objects during emotional distraction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 47(8), 1113-1131.

Kryklywy, J.H. & Mitchell, D.G.V. (2014). Emotion modulates allocentric but not egocentric stimulus localization: Implications for dual visual systems perspectives. Experimental Brain Research, 232, 3719-1726.